
Frequently Asked Questions

It is more necessary in any home so you have to get open windows or doors in north side in the morning time you have to get light and air from north side it’s also help full to human body to get Vitamin D.

Open area in the East side will be helpful to growth of house /Flat/Office/Factory.

This area should keep open, tidy, neat and clean in all type of premises which helpful to get Knowledge, Heath, wealth, peace and prosperity in your premises.

To avoid placement in front of main gate of houses and Flats etc. inside or outside of the flats and also avoid the NE zone of house to put the brooms. It's the best place in the North West Zone and South Zone of your premises.

To be avoided Infront of the main gate which may inside or outside, you may provide South side and North West side of the home or premises. Always avoided the North -East zone of houses for shoe racks/shoes.

When we will work on gas stove face is always suitable east face. If not possible then north or west may be use, try to avoid the south face on the gas stove, it may cause of ill-health .

As per vastu vidya best zone is north east zone, their face may be east or west at the time of prayer of God, the picture of god or Murthi may be maximus size of height 1 ft.

when will sit on commode the face should be towards North face or West face is always good.

Try to maintain the taps on East wall/North wall on bathrooms, accordingly when will take the bath face will be north side or east side.

Face always try to maintain towards the east side it gives the concertation and increase the grasping power for students.

It should be provided in east and north wall of Toilets/Dressing Rooms/Dining Room etc. or and cut portion of building/flats/houses/factories. Always avoid to placement a mirror on the west and south wall of Buildings/Rooms/Flats etc.

Always try to build higher side in south and west side wall and build lower height east and north side's wall and also maintain the thickness of walls accordingly.

Try to avoid the construction of staircase in NE zone of any premises.

Windows are required for any premises in all directions but maximum window is required in North, East and North- East side of premises , when window's will be build south and west side of premises it will be come in uncomfortable zone because there are more heat and sun glair / radiations , for protection of this area, here required less width windows (window height to be same level as per lintel level of whole building /premises) and also to be avoided to put windows at extreme corner of south west zone of premises and to be take care very precisely.

Down portion is not allowed south side of plot /building and not provide south side slope of building /Land/plot.
