Residential Complex
Now horizontal directional space is limited due to population increases and industrial development is more in countries their vertical direction construction is required more now days man is making fantastic progress in scientific and technologic fields, so that human life is becoming mechanized, he is becoming more and more in his materialistic day to day life, thus today we are going to move to resort to the construction of multistoried buildings i.e. sky -Scrapers for various functions.
Multistoried buildings are more suitable in rectangular shape or square shape, these residential buildings are deficient in allowing free paly of sun light and air for that particular buildings , we have to follow the vastu vidya principles and also use comfortable zone(7:30 Pm to 7:30AM), tolerable zone(7:30 Am to 10:30 AM and 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM) for planning of multi storied buildings or uncomfortable zone- there are more Heat and radiation- (10:30AM to 7:30 PM) in flats/Houses accordingly sun light movement in day and night, it shall be applied in designing of flats for comfort of residents. Some important aspects are given below to adoptions for any new construction.
- 1. Correct environmental Surroundings is required, proper shape and size of buildings and perfect orientation of buildings in the plot is required.
- 2. Dead end plots for Residential complex to be avoided.
- 3. Tee Roads/Arrow like Roads/ Vithi Shula’s plots/street focus towards the plots to be avoided in the Residential complex.
- 4. 3-Side roads surrounding the plots/ Residential complex and to be corrected before planning.
- 5. Front and back side roads of plot or Residential complex and to be corrected before planning.
- 6. Two side of plots/ Residential complex and to be avoided it defects.
- 7. Effect of Extensions/Reductions of plot/to be rectified before planning of Residential complex.
- 8.Outside/Inside defects of Plot/Houses/Flats. Like- Garden/Kitchen/Bedroom/Staircase/lift/main grate of house/Flat and boundary wall/toilets/stores/temple /overhead tanks /Septic tanks/ Sewer lines and sanitary works , Electrical works and fittings/ IT or Lan Fittings Vedhas of doors in houses/Flats and Plots etc.
- 9. How to build a house as per cardinal points with help of magnetic compass.
- 10. Effect of spacing at surroundings of buildings/Flats/ Residential complex.
- 11. Locations of Garden/Swimming pool/Basements/ Party Halls/Exercise Rooms/Kids play area/ Theater Room /Club Houses/ Morning walking tracks / All-purpose parking’s/ Extra toilet blocks etc.
- 12. The orientation of building should be like that, it can intercept solar radiation in summer and winter which is coming the flats, which can be mitigated by applying the landscape i.e. plants sheds overhanging, heavy drapes and curtains on windows/Doors, tinted glasses and louvers shell be use, and also made a verandah.
In afternoon air gets higher temperature, for that west wall and south wall to be use different type materials that can absorbs heat and radiations, it will be help full to the residents in the flats / buildings for good health point of view .